The Man In The Mirror: What We Want To Achieve Starts Within

It is normal to have the desire to do extraordinary things.

We want to focus our energy into tasks that make a difference. We have the tendency to become confident that our plans are bulletproof and that nothing will bring us down.

We stay up the whole night masterminding the whole plot. We have made a flow chart of how things will go, designated who will assist (without even asking if they would be willing partners), and the end result will be explosive. Confetti will fall from the sky and cheers will ring throughout the universe. However, when you wake up, it’s just you and your blanket.

It was good while it lasted but don’t worry, it doesn’t have to stop there. Plans can still be made and the job can still be done, but the biggest question is, ‘Who’s gonna do it?’

At times, we tend to forget ourselves. We see others making it big, achieving more, and definitely getting more recognition. We praise them and we congratulate them like decent people would do, but then we go back home and we wonder, ‘Why can’t I be that person?’

Do you realise that most of the time, when you’re thinking these thoughts or saying it out loud, you are doing it in front of a mirror? Even if many won’t admit it, we do talk to ourselves in the mirror and this is normal. For this reason, why not look at the person in front of the mirror and the next time you ask, ‘Who’s gonna do it?’ listen closely because that person is trying to say… ‘I am’.

I am going to do it. I am going to take that challenge. I will be focused. I will work hard at it. I will fail. I will not give up. I will cry, but only for a while. I will get up. I will move on. I will correct the past mistakes. I will do it. Again. And again. And again. Until I make it happen.

Make this your mantra because as Michael Jackson’s famous lines puts it, “I’m starting with the man in the mirror, I’m asking him to change his ways and no message could have been any clearer. If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and then make that change.”

Contributed by Joanne Ng, Regional Business Support Manager, SALESWORKS GROUP ASIA.

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